family friendly

Food Truck Fridays Andrews NC

2021 Food Truck Friday dates are: May 14, June 11, July 9, August 13, & September 10 Five great Friday nights of fun this Summer, when you don’t have to cook! Stop by on your way home from work, or bring the whole family! Eat a delicious meal from one of our local food trucks, shop local vendors......MORE


The first annual county fair is being held in Andrews, NC at the Andrews Recreation Park! Join us September 16 & 17 for live music, fantastic food, local vendors, a petting zoo, games and fun for everyone in the family! For more information visit     ...MORE


We are SO EXCITED to announce this years Cherokee County Fair! Located in the beautiful valley, Andrews, NC! We have a new date this year, of October 13th-15th. This is a Friday, Saturday & Sunday event! We will have lots of R I D E S, Fair Foods, Food Trucks, Live Music, and much more! Fun for all......MORE


A day dedicated to the best people in our circle, our friends & family! A day filled with activities on the campus of the John C. Campbell folk School. Clear your Saturday for this fun filled day! ...MORE


A joyous celebration of the new life Spring bring, this event is filled with live music, dancing, and a parade to begin the new season! Join in on the fun of this eventful day hosted by the John C. Campbell Folk School! ...MORE


As you walk along downtown you can watch for the Yellow Flags outside businesses letting you know that they are participating in the event. You’ll find artist demonstrations, musical performances, food, information and meet some of the most local,interesting, and friendly people too. Sponsored by......MORE


Paint the Town Fall – Bring in the Fall Season with ART!. This is a Special Event Promoted by The MAC. In Downtown Murphy, NC, come paint a Fall scene on a designated 24 x 18-inch section of a store window for FREE! Regestration day of the event. Register and pick up paint supplies at the Alley......MORE

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